Interested in Joining?
We are always keen to attract new members to be co-opted on to the committee. It is an exciting and challenging time to be involved with the LMC with continuing changes and proposals from a variety of quarters that impact on general practitioners. The primary role of the LMC is to promote and protect the interests and welfare of all GPs working in the county and it is vital that we have an effective, united local voice for GPs. In order to ensure that the committee is truly representative it is essential to maintain strong communication links with local GPs and LMC members have a crucial role to play in providing this link.
The committee meets on the evening of the first Tuesday in each month (except January and August). In addition to the business part of the meeting it is also a good opportunity to meet colleagues from throughout the county.
If you would like further details then please contact your local representatives or the honorary secretary, David Robertson
Information about the function of LMCs: